Sunday 14 December 2008

How Can You Start an Online Business? Sell Advertising on Your Website Or Blog By Dee Power Platinum Quality Author

Unless your website or blog is brand new, selling advertising spots on it will probably easier than you've imagined. Of course, it does require effort on your part but with a bit of diligence you will, no doubt, see successful results. The question of "How can you start an online business?" can be answered "Sell advertising on your website or blog.

The following tips will assist you in attracting the advertisers you are searching for. Remember, not everyone will be interested in purchasing your advertising package. As the saying goes... 'you can't please everyone, all of the time'. However, using the proper promotional methods will help to ensure a steady stream of advertising profits.

Tip number one. Create a separate page, on your website or blog, outlining the types of advertising options you will be offering. You can either include standard rates or request that all interested parties email you, for customized a quote. This gives you more flexibility to offer some sort of discount if you choose. Google has the rule that they penalize sites that sell backlinks, so if you're considered selling links, either realize your site may be penalized or make sure the links or no follow.

Tip number two. Utilize you signature line and email signature space. Don't let this 'prime real estate' go to waste. This is a great way to pique the interest of potential advertisers. The more forums you participate in and more e-mail you send out, the higher the chance of selling your advertising spots.

Tip number three. Offer a small discount, for first time advertisers who seem to be 'on the fence'. This may be all that is needed to sway their decision. If they still aren't interested, don't despair. There will be many individuals, who will gladly take you up on your offer. Your job is to gently convince them to do so.

Tip number four. Provide your readers with a supply of fresh content. This will help to ensure that they will visit your website or blog often. This steady stream of traffic is what potential advertisers are interested in. Understandably, they are looking to get the most bang for their buck. If you only have a handful of visitors a day most advertisers won't be interested.

These are just a few suggestions, to get you started. The advertisers ARE out there... it's time to get noticed! Start An Online Business. Sell Advertising on Your Website or Blog!

Free report How to Start a Home Based Business - 27 Ways to Earn Money Online.

Dee Power is the author of several nonfiction books and the novel Over Time and 30 Day Action Plan Earn Money Online.

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