Friday 12 December 2008

3 Mistakes I See People Make When They Try to Earn Money Online

Here are three common mistakes I see time and time again when I read forums and speak to people that are struggling to make an income online.

1) Buying More Than They Need - When people try to make money online they inevitably end up signing to a bunch of newsletters and end up buying quite a lot of products in the hope that one will show them the light and unlock their path to riches. What usually happens is they end up with so much stuff they go into information overload and instead of actually sticking to a blueprint, they just can't decide what to do or get distracted so quickly that in the end they feel burnt out before they've even given anything a proper go. Don't make this mistake. Stick to a blueprint and follow it until you are earning money.

2) Skipping The Basics - You can think you know all the basics, but that doesn't mean that you do actually know them. You can falsely assume you know the elementary parts because you want to get to the 'meat' of the plan or blueprint. This can be costly as one little thing you overlook can set you up for failure before you even begin. It's really dangerous to assume you know something. I would recommend going through a plan from point A to point B without skipping anything at all if you really want to succeed.

3) Believing In Overnight Riches - Sure, once you've been around a while and build solid assets, you can literally earn hundreds or even thousands in a day but at the beginning it's just not going to happen. Unfortunately many people like to believe in totally lazy riches, which explains why so many rush out to buy a lottery ticket every week and hope they will win. It's easy to spend a dollar without doing any work. The true secret of making money online in the early days is to follow a blueprint that is proven and work at your business until it gathers momentum. You can't do a couple of hours work and expect to become rich, this isn't how life or the internet works. Assume you are going to have to work both smart and hard to succeed.

If you want to dramatically cut down your learning curve then go and grab these FREE videos which show you how to make money online using methods that actually work. For now put away your wallet and just go get them at =>

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