Thursday 6 November 2008

How to Choose a Winning Affiliate Product!

Choosing a winning product is not quite as difficult as choosing a winning niche, but it's right up there. A lot of internet marketers try this product and that product, then get frustrated by the whole thing and just conclude that internet marketing doesn't work, and that all those tales of people making thousands in one day are complete fabrications.

Now, not everyone makes thousands in a day, but there are a ton of internet marketers who make several hundred dollars on some days. And that level of success if available for you, too. You just have to know how to achieve it.

Part of the equation, of course, is choosing the right product to sell.

Let's suppose you're in the fitness niche. you feel like this niche will work for you, you've tested a few sites and gotten good traffic, now all you need is a good product. Well, the best thing you can do is to stay emotionally detached from your product choice. Pick a product from ClickBank, for instance, slap up a webpage and start sending it some traffic. If you've got a really hot niche, you can do this through article marketing. If not, try some pay per click.

In order to have a statistically valid test, you'll need to send at least 200 clicks through to your merchant's page. If you haven't had a sale in 400 click throughs, then drop the product and test something else.

Another great way to test products is with an email list. If you're not building lists, you need to be! You know the saying, the money's in the list. Well, it's true!

As long as you stay within the general area of what the list is for, you can try your products out on your list. Just send them an email saying that you found this great product and wanted to share it with them. If you get one out of one hundred people buying, you've got a winner. Now, all you need to do is to set up a website and you're off to the races.

To learn more about how to promote your website, download my free ebook: Five Steps to Web Profits

Lee Cole is an successful internet marketer who can help you get your internet business up and running, and most importantly - profitable! To learn more, visit Lee's website

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