Thursday 6 November 2008

Does Banner Advertising Work?

Banner advertising can work if used properly. By creating the right kind of design for the banner ads and tracking the results to optimize performance, a banner can bring in a lot of business. There are some common mistakes that can happen with this type of Internet marketing though which may decrease the effectiveness of the ad.

One of the first steps in getting the banner advertisement to work to its potential is to design it correctly. To be able to make an effective design, a little research as to what is working and what is popular should be done. Check out the big sites to see what is currently out there. Look at some of the conversion rates that are associated with their banners.

Many people do not click on the loud flashy banners like they used to. Keeping with a simpler design that is reflective of the environment that the banner is going to be in will help to make them more "click friendly." Some of the performance from banner ads depend on the shape as well. Internet marketers are sticking with advertisements that are portrait in size to get optimum viewing.

Another important aspect of making banner advertisement work is by watching the results of the placement. Instead of paying for the advertisement to be shown every hour of the day, check to see if there are certain hours that are bringing in more clicks. It will be more cost effective to run the advertisement only during the hours that are more productive.

Also, if you are considering developing a couple different ads, be sure to analyze which one performs better. This is helpful when considering improving the design of newer advertisements. Anything that can help give a good idea of how many customers are actually responding to the banners will increase their overall performance.

It is important to consider the content of the banner advertisement. The look of the banner may draw a potential customer's eye, but what it says is going to ultimately determine whether they are going to click on it. A good rule of thumb is to find a way to make the reader of the banner want more. Tell them why they should go to your site. Telling them they will get something of value free is a great way to increase the performance of the banner. Whether you decide to provide some information such as a free ebook or other type of marketing plan, stating that in the banner can help to get people's attention.

Always consider the placement of the ad as well. If the banner is not placed to catch the intended audience, then the banner will not be able to work as effectively. Put yourself in your customers' shoes. What do they search for? What sites do they frequent? A little research as to the best way to reach your potential customers will go a long way.

To review, the three basics of making banner advertising work include creating the right design, watching the performance of the banner ad, making sure to add customer specific information to it, and getting the correct placement. By following these basic steps, an Internet marketer will be sure that their banner advertisements will work very well.

Andrew Green is part of the team behind A-Z Proxies, an attempt to list from A to Z every active web proxy. Andy has been actively working in the web proxy field since 2005 and has built up a wealth of knowledge on the subject.

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